Mastering The Basics Of Go (Lim / Dicky)

Eugène Lim / Hervé Dicky - Slate and Shell 2004 - En anglais - 152 p.

La traduction en anglais du "jeu à 9 pierres", livre célèbre de Maître Lim et Hervé Dicky.

Chapter 1 : Holding Your Own
Chapter 2 : Comer Joseki
Chapter 3 : Patterns on the Edge of the Board
Chapter 4 : Five Hypothetical Nine Stone Handicap Games
Chapter 5 : The Diagonal Attachment
Chapter 6 : Playing Aggressively Against the One Space
Chapter 7 : Haying Agressively Against the Cap
Chapter 8 : Leaping Before the Cap
Chapter 9 : White Adopts a Destabilizing Strategy
Chapter 10 : Un Posing Theory into Practice
Chapter 11 : Unusual Moves
Chapter 12 : Trick Moves

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